Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Movie Poster Images (In same order)

This poster represents the time because it demonstrates the classic illustrations of the era and does so with an image of a man representing the men of the industrial era, gritty colors and background.

This image also demonstrates the same illustration and shows the classic beauty as the man point with the two men on each side of her, showcasing the extra martial affairs dabbled in the film industry in these times and in the film.

 This posters uses the similar style of illustration, but brings in the focus of the love affair and really hones in on the western feeling.

This poster illustrates everything about the 80's. The Breakfast Club is a classic 80's film and the posters showcases that with the color scheme and the very recognizable style of the characters.

This poster showcases the era of the 70's. The background is of typical 70's psychedelic design. The actors are also wearing clothing and using a suggested behavior known for the 70's.

The other films I selected didn't have posters I believe showcased their era, but I am unable to delete them from the blog.

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