Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Icon images

Marilyn Monroe
Iconic sex symbol

Martin Luther King Jr
Iconic African American civil rights activist/leader

Adolf Hitler
Leader of Nazi Germany
Iconic symbol of the Holocaust,
terror and dictatorship

Bob Marley
Iconic symbol of peace, raggae and marijuana

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
Iconic symbol of the Cuban Revolution ect.

Jackie O Kennedy
Iconic fashion symbol

Michael Jackson
Iconic pop star
also known for his odd behaviors and childhood
in addition to his talent

Coca cola brand
Iconic soda pop reflecting American culture

Albert Einstein
one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time

John Wayne
American icon of rugged masculinity and western film

"The Little Red Book"
Quotes from Mao Zedong
Iconic symbol of Communism

Nike symbol
Iconic symbol of fitness, quality

"The Homemaker"
Iconic symbol of women in the 40's and 50's

Uncle Sam
Iconic symbol of the Unites States/American Government and War

Rosie The Riveter
 Cultural Icon of the United States representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II

"The Flapper"
Iconic for the 20's, for women and the flashy era

The Beatles
iconic pop band
one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music.
Influencing social and cultural revolutions of the 1960's.

Iconic symbol of peace

Iconic symbol of the 60's

Mother Teresa
Iconic symbol of humanitarianism

Elvis Presley
Iconic symbol of rock&roll,
Rebellion and sexuality

Princess Diana

Peace Symbol

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