Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Lauren Dobbins
Art Manifesto
ART 112
I Am For an Art
I am for an art that is erotic.
An art that arouses thought.
That stimulates your fingertips as you imagine
Them tracing along the lines and texture,
Or if you’re lucky enough, actually get to meet.

I am for an art that speaks.
An art that has something to say.
Something to scream
Or something to whisper.
Something deep and abstract.
Something simple and concrete.
Even if it is only to say,
“The flowers in the spring are breathtaking.”

I for an art that hangs in public bathrooms.
An art that is put there simply because it looks good.
Not that is needed, and that is the joy of it.

I am for an art that is impractical.
I am for an art that is impertinent.
I am for an art that is impossible.

Because it can be.

I am for an art that expresses our freedom.
Our freedom to imagine.
To create.

To live in an alternative dream world.
Or to face the truth of our world.

I am for an art that is an escape.
For the artist.
For the viewer.

I am for an art created in the mind
And made with the hands.
Or the toes.

I am for an art that exists for the sake of expression.
That is not needed to survive.
But needed to live.

I am for an art that evokes an emotion.
That keeps you coming back,
To feel, and feel again
Because these days,
Things are starting to feel routine.

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