Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Katy Asher & The M.O.S.T

I loved hearing from Katy Asher about The M.O.S.T. The whole "ministry" / "embassy" was fascinating. I think that the "Ministry of Small Things" is ingenious. I would love to have a group where we met regularly to talk about the "small" things in life and see what we have in common. I suppose that is what my friends and I do. Maybe we should turn ourselves into an official group. I can't believe that they got the project to go so far, stretching over years and being able to travel, even out of the continent on behalf of The M.O.S.T. All the maps were so detailed and really created a feeling of authenticity. The trading cards were great too. Everthing they did and created had so much effort and thought put into it. I can only imagine how much fun it mus have been to be able to create your own world in a sense, and actually having it be more than just yourself and your friends involved. I wish that I had been aware of them when they were still together and could have gone to one of their exhibitions. One thing that I personally enjoyed was their version of marriage in Mostlandia. That was so cute how you could rate it on how "gaga" you were for someone. And how they served ice cream and refreshments at all their events really added to the fantasy and fun of the whole thing. While on the other hand, what they were producing was this fanciful world, but everything that went into it and all the planning, work and behind the scene was very systematic with so many details envolved. The whole world seemed to be full of whimsy and fun but it is fascinating how much actual real hard work was put into creating it. It really seemed like they truely believed in this world. And really, for anyone to have taken it seriously, the members had to and it really showed how much time and effort and creativity went into the creation of The M.O.S.T. I find it inspiring that a typical group of people with things in common can establish themselves into an embassy, create a nation, get followers and sustain it for years.

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