Saturday, November 6, 2010

5. Five images of five artworks by artists who use appropriation.

Artist:Aleksandra Mir
Title: Che Guevarra Collage
Media: Collage on paper
Year: 2006
Bio: Born 1967 Lubin, Poland. Citizen of Sweden. Lives in NYC, USA and Palermo, Sicily.
Artist: Barbara Kruger
Title: Untitled, Your Every Wish is Our Command
Media: Gelatin silver print
Year: 1982
Bio: Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist. Much of her work consists of black and white photographs overlaid with declarative captions—in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique. The phrases in her works often include use of pronouns such as "you", "your", "I", "we", and "they".

Artist: Jeff Koons
Title: Balloon Flower
Media: High chromium stainless steel with transparent color coating
Year: 1995-2000
Bio: Jeff Koons (born January 21, 1955) is an American artist known for his reproductions of banal objects—such as balloon animals produced in stainless steel with mirror finish surfaces.

Title: Clown Skull
Date: 1989
Media: Plastic
Description: Relics Series
Bio: Vik Muniz was born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1961. He is a visual artist who lives in New York City, USA. Muniz began his career as a sculptor in the late 1980s after relocating from Brazil to Chicago and later to New York. His early work grew out of a post-Fluxus aesthetic and often involved visual puns and jokes. His most famous work from this period is “Clown Skull”, a human skull augmented w/ a clown-nose shaped protuberance.

Artist: Mark Tribe
Site specific public art project
Title: Carpark
Media: Film
Bio:Mark Tribe (born 1966, San Francisco, CA) is an artist and curator interested art, technology, and politics. He is focused on developing a critical understanding of the complex
and interdependent relationships between technology and culture.

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